Sharing Is Erring

So you’re flipping through Facebook and you come across a lovely, well written, and relevant post – complete with a funny meme! – and think it is something your customers would want to see. So you share it. Nothing wrong with that. But then you try to advertise it and get this:

(From Facebook): Error Message: Invalid parameter. Shared Posts Can’t Be Boosted. If you’re the owner of the original post, boost it directly.

Shared Content

Here’s the thing. There is an understanding among users of Facebook that whatever is put on the site can be shared among family and friends. Facebook has even created a “share” button specifically for this purpose. But… and this is huge… if you want to advertise it (put money on it), that is called plagiarism.


Facebook takes a zero-tolerance policy on this – If it is shared, it cannot be advertised. There is an odd consequence to this:

Even if it is yours, you cannot advertise a shared post.

That’s right, if I (Dan Stocke) create a post, and share it to Buzz Frenzy (of which I own), it will get rejected by Facebook for being shared content. The workaround is: if you own it, post it directly to your page.

Glad I was able to share that with you.

For more ways to avoid Facebook ad errors, click HERE


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We provide unique solutions for business success through super-simple automated tools.

Fearless: We believe anything is possible.
Improving: We take huge leaps in little steps.
Motivated: We help others be the best they can be.
Candid: No if/buts; we work with the facts on the ground.
Joyful: Nothing is too serious: this is life, not life and death.

Buzz Frenzy has a love affair with small business. We appreciate the entrepreneurial spirit that goes into building a business, especially one that is community based. These are businesses built by people who want to do good by their town, to make their cities better, and to give back to their fellow citizens. What’s not to love?



(218) 461-9454

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