At Buzz Frenzy one of our core values is Nothing Is Impossible: we take giant leaps in small steps.

People ask me all the time things like “I only have a few followers, how do I get more?” or, “what is the best resonance score?” What they are really asking is “I am here now, and I want to be there. Can you put me there?” Well, the answer is “no, I cannot”. Teleportation doesn’t exist even in business. The answer they do not want to hear is, “If you want to get there, set a goal and start walking”


At Buzz Frenzy one of our core values is Nothing Is Impossible: we take giant leaps in small steps. What that means is that we know that to get anywhere we have to start walking. At the end, when we look back at it, we will see amazing progress. But that doesn’t just happen by jumping there. It happens day in, and day out, in the slog to reaching a goal.

Neil Armstrong didn’t step on the moon with one giant leap. It just so happened to be one pretty important step in a very long walk.

When Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon he said, “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” And we all lost our minds. It’s a beautiful sentiment, but I think we all concentrate on the “Giant Leap” part way to much and don’t pay enough attention to the “Small Step”. What is left out of the statement is that the “one small step” was the culmination of the millions of small steps that led up to that moment. Neil Armstrong didn’t step on the moon with one giant leap. It just so happened to be one pretty important step in a very long walk.

So start walking.


Which leads me to another thing: celebrate the leaps. Seek them out and don’t let them escape unnoticed. Being the first human being to step on the moon is a pretty cut and dry achievement. In business, many times the goals we set out for ourselves are achieved during the halabaloo of getting a bunch of other stuff done and they get lost. It is important to every once in a while stop and take a look at where you are and where you have come from, and celebrate the leap you have made.

So that’s the trick: If you want to get somewhere, set your goal and start walking. Just make sure to celebrate once you get there. And keep walking.

If your goal is to get more followers, set a goal and celebrate it once it’s done. If your goal is to get a higher resonance score, set your goal and celebrate it once it’s done.

And keep walking.


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Keep Walking

If you want to get somewhere, set your goal and start walking. Just make sure to celebrate once you get there. And keep walking.


Average Resonance
Average Paid Impressions


We provide unique solutions for business success through super-simple automated tools.

Fearless: We believe anything is possible.
Improving: We take huge leaps in little steps.
Motivated: We help others be the best they can be.
Candid: No if/buts; we work with the facts on the ground.
Joyful: Nothing is too serious: this is life, not life and death.

Buzz Frenzy has a love affair with small business. We appreciate the entrepreneurial spirit that goes into building a business, especially one that is community based. These are businesses built by people who want to do good by their town, to make their cities better, and to give back to their fellow citizens. What’s not to love?



(218) 461-9454

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